On 21 and 22 March E.QU.A.L. partners gathered in Trento for a two-day meeting. The occasion of the meeting was the seminar “La formazione per il lavoro e sul lavoro: verso un modello trentino di carattere europeo” (“Training for work and work: towards a Trentino-based model of European relevance”) organised in the context of the E.QU.A.L. project by the Trento Employment Agency, in collaboration with tsm-Trentino School of Management.
The seminar – held on Thursday 21 march – was attended by more than 100 practitioners, academics and representatives of relevant institutions. After the seminar, E.QU.A.L. partners visited the Trento Employment Center, two private training agencies managing courses on key competences (Formazione Sviluppo and Fidia), and Trentino Social Tank (a business incubator specialised in the development of business ideas in the field of welfare, personal services and the social economy).
The last session of the meeting was dedicated to taking stock of E.QU.A.L. completed activities and to planning remaining ones, concerning the production of case studies aimed to analyse in depth existing practices on the provision of key competences.