
The “Vincenzo Saba Library” run by Inapp supports research and study activities on topics of institutional relevance (monitoring and evaluation of labour policies and employment services, education and training policies, social policies). The Library policy involves open access to its resources as well as the establishment and maintenance of a network with scientific communities and institutions at national and international levels. The Library is open to external uses and offers in-house consultation and bibliographic reference services.

The Library is open to the public by appointment to be arranged by e-mail.

Opening times: Monday-Friday: 9.00 a.m. – 1.00 p.m.; on Mondays and Wednesdays: 2.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.

Contact details: [email protected]

Library Catalogue

Literature of institutional relevance since 1974 available in the online catalogue (OPAC) of the Institute’s library, open to the public.
Monographs and periodicals on loan and reference. Check out the Library Catalog here.

Mostra “Lavoro e società”

Visita la mostra che valorizza i documenti della prima metà del Novecento (riviste italiane e straniere, manifesti e lastre fotografiche) inerenti le tematiche Inapp: lavoro, formazione, istruzione e politiche sociali.

Inapp in Wikidata

Il progetto, all’interno del Piano triennale di attività di cui agli ‘Indirizzi Strategici INAPP 2021-2023‘, è finalizzato all’apertura dei dataset Autori, Termini del Thesaurus, Opere in modalità LOD (Linked Open Data).