
Inapp conducts numerous direct data surveys targeting households, individuals, businesses, public entities and agencies to collect information to measure, categorise and evaluate phenomena of interest to the Institute.

Data surveys may be conducted in person, through face-to-face interviews, with the aid of computer tools, through telephone interviews, or via the web, depending on the type of study and the characteristics of the subjects to whom the data collection is directed. In most cases the surveys are sample-based as they involve a group of subjects selected with criteria that ensure a valid representation of the reference population, however, census-based surveys are also utilised in some instances. 

Some data surveys are carried out periodically, that is, repeated over time and in predefined time frames, to assess over-time variation. Some examples include Longitudinal Surveys on Enterprises and Labor (RIL) targeting enterprises and labour, Unemployment Surveys (PLUS) targeting the population aged 18 or older, the Quality of Work in Italy (QdL) surveys targeting the employed, and the European Social Survey (ESS) targeting the population aged 15 or older. Other surveys are cross-sectional, meaning that data is gathered across a sample population at a specific point in time. Access to the data made available by Inapp is free of charge. Information, materials and main outcomes of each survey can be accessed and downloaded from the dedicated pages contained in the Periodic Surveys and Cross-sectoral Surveys sections.

Each survey that Inapp is currently developing indicates the objective, the target population, the period and methodology of data collection, the potential for publication on the National Statistical Program (PSN), the obligatory nature of the answers, etc.

Completing one of Inapp’s surveys contributes to the improvement and development of scientific knowledge in the country.