Survey on the Supply of Vocational Training (SVT) 

Objective: To delve into the structural characteristics and evolutionary dynamics of the provision of publicly or privately financed vocational training 
Survey population: bodies and facilities accredited for training by the Regions and Autonomous Provinces
Data collection methodology: mixed CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)/CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)
National Statistical Program: yes (code IAP-00013)

The SVT survey is a census survey that aims to detect the structural characteristics and evolutionary dynamics of the system of publicly or privately financed vocational training.

The main objective is to provide decision-makers, citizens, social partners, and the national and international scientific community with a database on the characteristics of training facilities in relation to training services provided, target market, human resources employed, the profile of beneficiaries using training services, and features of training services.

Data gathering is provided by the National Operational Program – Active Employment Policy Systems (PON SPAO) co-financed by the European Social Fund, under the 2014-2020 Work Programme, for which Inapp operates as an Intermediate Body.

Data collection is carried out through interviews with Bodies and Structures accredited for training at regional and provincial levels.

The questions in the SVT survey are grouped into the following sections: Identification data of the accredited training facility; Activities provided by the training facility; Territorial and transnational cooperation; Reforms and innovation of vocational training; Personal details and contact information.

For more information, please contact: [email protected].