European Social Survey (ESS) – Round 11

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27.10.2023 – Round 11 of the European Social Survey (ESS) – a comparative survey conducted in Europe since 2001 – was launched on October 9. The survey is carried out every two years and at each cycle (Round) and data is collected via face-to-face interviews in more than thirty European countries.

The main objectives of the ESS are:

  • To detect social stability and change by studying transformations in the living conditions and opinions of European citizens and the evolution of the social, political and moral fabric of European societies
  • To achieve and disseminate high standards of scientific rigour in transnational social science research, particularly regarding the design of survey instruments, sampling and data collection
  • To promote the training of European social researchers with advanced skills in quantitative measurement and analysis
  • To Improve the visibility and dissemination of social change data among academics, policy makers and the general public

ESS was granted European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) status in 2013. Italy, represented by Inapp as a National Entity, is a full member of the ESS ERIC. The National Representative of ESS is the President of Inapp, and the National Coordinator of the survey in Italy and the Italian working group also operate at the Institute.

Inapp funded and participated in Rounds 8 (2017), 9 (2018-2019), and 10 (2020-2022) and Round 11 which is currently underway. More information can also be found on the European Social Survey’s European website. Data for all rounds of the survey, for all countries that participated, are available on the ESS Data Portal.

For contact: [email protected].

Objective: To delve into the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviours of citizens of European citizens and measure their stability and changes over time 
Survey population: individuals aged 15 years and older residing in Italy
Survey period: October 2023-February 2024
Data collection technique: CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing).