Family Centres Survey 

Objective: The survey delves into the characteristics of the organisational and management models of Family Centres and the types of services offered to meet the specific demands of beneficiaries that access them spontaneously or are directed by social services
Survey population: public Family Centres operating in Lazio and Roma Capitale
Data collection technique: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing).

Family Centres (FC) are social policy measures that have received marginal and fragmented attention in Italy for a long time. The Covid-19 pandemic, the exacerbation of household vulnerability factors, and the urgency to rethink proximity services for families call for a specific reflection on the contribution this kind of Centres offers to support and promote intra and extra-family ties at a time of great individual and collective difficulty. 

The research is part of the collaboration agreements signed in 2021 by Inapp with the Lazio Region- Department of Social Policies, Welfare, and Local Authorities and Roma Capitale – Department of Social Policies. The survey looks at the entirety of publicly-funded Family Centres operating in the Lazio Region and in the Municipality of Rome (33 FCs in 2021), by investigating various dimensions, such as economic and professional resources, management models, relationships with local actors, type of services, type of beneficiaries, information systems, etc.

A structured questionnaire is provided to FCs’ managers/directors through the LimeSurvey platform.

For more information, please contact: [email protected].