Professions and Skills (P&S) 

Objective: Collect qualitative information on the needs of enterprises in terms of shortage/lack of specific knowledge and skills related to professional figures in the enterprise
Survey unit: Professional Units according to the ISTAT CP2011 classification
Data collection technique: CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing
Presence in the National Statistical Program: yes (code IAP-00011)

The objective of the survey is to collect qualitative information on the businesses’ needs  in terms of shortage/lack of specific knowledge and skills related to professional figures in the enterprise. Entrepreneurs and managers of large, medium and small companies are asked to indicate whether there is a need to strengthen specific areas of knowledge and skills to improve work performance in their company in the upcoming months. Companies are asked to specifically indicate the type of training that may be needed in the future, rather than training that has already been completed in recent months. 

The reference taxonomies for knowledge and skills are the same as those already used by Inapp in the Professions Sample Survey. 

The reference sample for the survey consists of private enterprises (35,000), with at least one employee and pertaining to all economic sectors (therefore excluding Public Administration), and provides a longitudinal quota. The stratification of the sample of businesses representative of the entire economy was articulated, in particular, on the basis of thirteen economic sectors (identified through the Ateco classification on economic activities), four enterprise sizes (very small enterprises with 1 to 9 employees; small enterprises with 10 to 49 employees; medium enterprises with 50 to 249 employees; and large enterprises with more than 250 employees) and four geographical macro-areas (Northwest, Northeast, Center, South and Islands).

Contact: [email protected].

Material related to individual years:

2017Methodological NoteQuestionnaire