Objective: To assess businesses’ demand for and supply of training and nonformal and informal learning (incidence, participation, intensity and cost of training), with thematic insights Survey population: sample of active businesses with at least six employees Data collection technique: mixed CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)/CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing) National Statistical Program: yes (code IAP-00006) |
The businesses skills survey (INDACO-Businesses) is periodic and sample-based and is aimed at understanding the uptake of training programs in businesses with at least six employees. Specifically, it surveys the demand and supply of training and formal, informal, and intergenerational learning in different enterprise segments (micro, small, medium, and large enterprises), territorial domains, and different economic sectors.
INDACO-Businesses is methodologically harmonised with Eurostat CVTS (Continuing Vocational Training Survey), whose key indicators are: incidence of training, training participation, access to training activities, training intensity, and costs. As such, the survey is also titled INDACO-CVTS, as its methodological coordination is carried out by a joint Inapp-Istat working group.
The survey consists of mandatory responses and has the same structure as the five-year Eurostat CVTS survey.
The following variables are also considered: characteristics of businesses, trained employees and training activities (courses and other activities), businesses training strategies, skills required by businesses, ways of organising training, obstacles, initial training of apprentices, and other thematic insights.
The research was carried out for the second, third, and fourth editions, as part of PON SPAO, co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF), for which Inapp operates as an Intermediate Body.
For more information, please contact: [email protected].
Materiali relativi alle singole annualità: