Objective: To investigate how distance learning during the Covid-19 pandemic has affected time and workload management, as well as increased the need for IT training for teaching staff, also comparing the current situation with previous school years. Measures taken by schools to counter the spread of Covid-19 are also investigated. Survey population: teachers working in secondary schools between 2020/21 Data collection technique: CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing). |
The survey “Back to school. Teaching Staff after Distance Learning,” conducted via a CAWI data collection technique, aims to explore the transition of teaching staff from traditional to a mixed mode of working, both online and in-person. Specifically, the research aims to investigate the impact of the new working arrangement on workloads and teachers’ work practices, as well as analyse the response, in technological and professional terms, of the education system vis-a-vis the new reality, also in comparison with the previous school year.
The survey mainly targeted teachers working in middle schools, as they are the category on which the new working arrangements set by Integrated Digital Teaching (i.e. Distance Learning) has impacted the most, and for the longest period of time.
The questionnaire consisted of 70 questions organised into nine sections which looked at socio-demographic aspects and career paths; time management and workloads; type of equipment and school organisation; preventive measures adopted by the school; student evaluation; and, finally, relationships with colleagues, school’s management and student’s families. In addition to the structured questions, there were five open-ended questions aimed at investigating measures used to prevent plagiarism or cheating during tests, measures taken to curb school dropouts, interventions made by the school to prevent or counter cyberbullying incidents, ways in which requests from families or students were handled with respect to teaching, interpersonal relations, and overall student well-being, and reports on the strengths and weaknesses of each respondent’s attended school during the 2020/2021 school year.
For more information, please contact: [email protected].