Intangible Assets Survey (IAS)

Objective: to verify the extent and type of companies’ engagement in activities aimed at increasing ‘intangible’ assets, such as training and human capital development activities, and improving their competitive capabilities
Survey population: enterprises with at least 20 employees
Data collection technique: mixed CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing)/CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)
Presence in the National Statistical Programme: yes (code IAP-00012)

The Intangible Assets Survey is a periodic survey designed to provide measure intangible asset investments of Italian firms, by simultaneously surveying, for each unit interviewed, the various factors that contribute to the development of intangible capital (technological and organisational innovation, research and development, training, branding, etc.) and their duration.

The survey, which is part of the National Statistical Programme, collects some key indicators on the basis of a methodology harmonised with other Sistan surveys. This source integrates data from the Business Skills Survey (INDACO-Imprese), providing useful information for the development of integrated policies concerning investments in training, innovation, research and development. The data gathers insights on intangible capital investments and structural characteristics as indicators of the firm’s intangible assets (market conditions, human resources, digital skills, brand value, supplier network, ownership structure, organisational, intellectual, social and environmental capital).

IAS is conducted by the Inapp research group “Continuing Education and Adult Learning” within the activities of the Structure “Training Systems”, and developed on the basis of a scientific cooperation with Istat.

For contacts: [email protected].

Materials related to the individual years:
