National Programme for Youth, Women and Work

The National Youth, Women and Work Programme contributes to creating a social and more inclusive Europe by promoting the development of skills to foster the employment of young people, women and disadvantaged people and to modernise employment services and active policies. Anpal* as Managing Authority has entrusted Inapp to act as Intermediate Body in order to implement seven Delegated Actions included in Priority 4 – “Modernisation of employment services and active policies: support actions and innovation, as well as methods, tools and research useful to improve the planning and delivery of measures” within Programme. 

Delegated actions:

(a) accompanying and supporting the modernisation of the labour market by carrying out research and statistical surveys, including longitudinal ones, that provide up-to-date knowledge and policy-oriented analysis; 

b) strengthen analytical capacities and feed into the Labour Atlas, strengthen the occupational information system and support the national IVC system;

c) further the analysis and empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of policy measures aimed at fostering employment and of labour demand and supply matching processes; 

d) support, through analyses and studies, the improvement of the quality of vocational education and training systems and measures – at point of entry and recurring/lifelong learning – aimed to support the entry and transition into the labour market; also by improving their responsiveness to the demands of production systems; 

e) contribute to the improvement of the effectiveness of inclusion policies aimed at disadvantaged groups and to the integration between the system of social services and the system of employment services, by developing policy analyses and evaluation; 

f) carry out longitudinal sample surveys in support of an integrated and recurrent monitoring and evaluation mechanism of the Universal Civil Service and of the qualification of system networks and accompanying functions; 

g) guaranteeing the quality, dissemination and accessibility of the statistical information produced. 
The Inapp OI PN Youth, Women and Work 2023-2026 Implementation Plan consists of 8 Operations (Projects) directly implemented by the Institute, which therefore also plays the role of beneficiary.

*From 1 March 2024, Anpal ceased to exist and the function of Managing Authority has been taken over by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies.