Child welfare: agreement signed between Inapp and Piedmont Region

10.03.2023 – Inapp and Piedmont Region agree on an institutional partnership to develop tools and methodologies for the analysis and promotion of the well-being of young girls, children and adolescents in support of Family Centers, in synergy with educational institutions in the area. As a result of the partnership, the two entities established a working group to define the implementation work plan for the partnership. 

This recent agreement stems from previous successful cooperation between Inapp’s Social Inclusion Structure and the Region. For instance, in 2019 Inapp supported the Region’s Family Centres to develop methodologies to assess and promote the wellbeing of young people in the context of primary and secondary prevention. As of 2022, a Co-ownership Agreement that engages Inapp and a number of entities managing social welfare functions in the Region has been put in place.

In addition, in the last two years the collaboration has further developed. The two entities have applied the MACaD-RCA (Multidimensional Analysis of Capabilities Deprivation – Rights of Children and Adolescents) analysis model in two territorial contexts (Druento and Ivrea) with the positive direct involvement of the respective Managing Authorities of the social welfare functions, Family Centers and Comprehensive School Institutes, broadening the interest towards the application of the model in other contexts.

The working group of Inapp’s Social Inclusion Structure plans to initiate the data processing phase related to the application of MACaD-RCA in Ivrea and the consequent planning phase once the results are provided to the  young people involved in the program.


For more information

Piedmont Region/ Rights and Social Policy

Valuing the voice of girls, children and adolescents in the analysis of their well-being: Applying the MACaD-Minor model in some Piedmont elementary and middle schools (Video recording of webinar on 3 March 2022).


Partnership between Inapp and Piedmont Region