29.09.2023 – The event “A road to a greener Europe: are skills the missing link to realise the green transition? Sharing the results of a TSI project embodying the vision of the European Year of Skills” will be held in Brussels on 5 October.
The results of the green skills roadmap will be shared during this event, a TSI project funded and supervised by DG REFORM and the Department of Labour and social economy of Flanders, and carried out by Trinomics.
This study attempts to identify the sectors of the Flemish economy that are expected to be most affected by the green transition, as well as skills that workers ought to develop in this respect. An assumption is also made about the way jobs will change in the future. Results will be included in a political roadmap designed as a tool to facilitate tackling this challenge and encourage its positive impact on society. As the challenge of green transition is common throughout the EU, the study also examines several good practices implemented by other Member States.
Inapp’s Manuela Bonacci will attend the event on behalf of Director-General, Dr. Santo Darko Grillo.