04.12.2023 –The “European Digital Skills Certificate final event”, organised by the European Commission within the context of the European Year of Skills, will be held online on 7 December.
Within the framework of the Digital Education Action Plan, the Commission has actively explored the development of the European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC), aiming to streamline the certification and recognition of digital skills across Europe by governments, employers, and stakeholders. The EDSC is built upon the European Digital Competence Framework (DigComp), a framework that supports the development of learning objectives, self-assessment tools and certification of digital skills, and remains adaptable to the ever-dynamic digital landscape.
The final results of the feasibility analysis outlined in Action 9 of the Digital Education Action Plan and the Member States EDSC pilot project will be presented during the online event.
Angela Barruffi will attend the webinar on behalf of Inapp’s Director-General and European Year of Skills Coordinator, Sr. Santo Darko Grillo.
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