14.03.2024 – On Monday 18 March, the EDC (European Documentation Centre) of the University of Salerno will host a seminar dedicated to “Getting round in the digital space: skills, opportunities and risks”.
Such initiative is aimed at exploring the main developments resulting from the advancement of digital technologies.
Focusing on AI and the ongoing processes of digitalisation, the seminar aims at drawing the attention of students, professors, teachers and citizens on the impact these changes are likely to have on all domains of public interest, spanning over education, labour, civic and social life.
In the European Year of Skills, such innovations call for specific competences of use across all sectors to which they apply, as well as awareness of safe and responsible practice with respect to their technological implications.
For Inapp, Nicola Lettieri will participate on behalf of Director-General and National Coordinator of the European Year of Skills Santo Darko Grillo, presenting his discussion titled “Getting ready for change: digital culture and skills in the IT society”.
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