Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Programme towards interim evaluation

17.10.2023 – The “Erasmus+ 2021-2027 Programme towards interim evaluation” conference will be held at Inapp Auditorium on 24 October. Both on-line and in-presence attendance will be possible. 

The conference is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, within the framework of the European Year of Skills, and is intended as an opportunity for discussion at political and technical levels on the results attained by the Erasmus+ Programme almost halfway through the 2021-2027 Programme.

In this perspective, the European Commission, the Programme’s National Coordinating Authorities, and the other two Erasmus+ Italian National Agencies, Indire and “Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù”, are expected to attend. Accounts and performances will also be presented by young people who have had significant mobility experiences abroad through the Erasmus+ Programme.

During the afternoon session, the European Language Label Award and the EITA (European Innovative Teaching Award) will be awarded by Inapp and Indire Erasmus+ National Agencies to organisations in charge of selected Erasmus+ projects.

Inapp’s President Prof. Sebastiano Fadda, Director-General and European Year of Skills Coordinator Dr. Santo Darko Grillo, and Dr. Ismene Tramontano will attend the conference.

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