Invalsi findings: a research and teaching tool

17.11.2023 –The seminar “Invalsi findings: a research and teaching tool” will be held in Rome from 23 to 26 November. Having reached its eighth edition, this event aims to promote the use of Invalsi data, among other resources, in scientific research and teaching.

The Institute annually collects data that represent a useful tool for the purpose of examining school system characteristics and defining any possible supporting or reinforcing measures. A contribution which is strengthened by sharing and exchanging opportunities with other Institutions.

Fabrizio Giovannini and Marta Santanicchia will attend the Seminar on behalf of Inapp on 25 November within the context of Research 14, Issue 8 “Learning to learn at school, in adult learning and vocational training”. Assessing personal, social and learning-to-learn competences. Testing an education evaluation system, while presenting research outcomes on the subject of key competences.

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