23.11.2023 – “IoLavoro”, the exhibition sponsored by Agenzia Piemonte Lavoro to directly bring together labour supply and demand will be held at Turin Lingotto Fiere on 29 and 30 November.

This exhibition is an opportunity for young and adult workers to access, at the same time and in the same place, several services and opportunities related to the labour market, from reception to orientation, up to direct contacts with companies which could turn into actual work relationships. This event will also provide the opportunity to explore production and training specificities of the area through dedicated focuses, discussions, workshops, and job openings by the businesses concerned.

On behalf of Inapp Concetta Fonzo will hold the workshop “Refernet network: investing in skills in Europe” on 29 November, and Marianna Forleo will hold the workshop: “Developing skills: the role played by quality in VET” on 30 November.