09.10.2023 – The 35th European Training Seminar titled “Not one less. Professionalising training: a right for all” will be held in Taranto on 12 and 13 October. This event is of special significance within the context of the European Year of Skills, its objective being to tackle the topic of skills from the perspective of professionalising training rights, with special reference to active participation and individual development, the necessary investments, inclusion, educational and vocational orientation, the recognition and expendability of education and training results for employability purposes, facilitation of learning, and new jobs.
The Seminar aims at highlighting individual and collective responsibility, within the increasing complexity of social space, for a “new leading role” of professionalising education. From the ”being skilled” holistic perspective a vibrant discussion is encouraged and inspired in order to reach action proposals in order to strengthen and enhance VET in view of a fully fulfilled life, and for collectivity’s greater good.
Emanuele Crispolti will attend on behalf of Inapp’s Director-General and European Year of Skills Coordinator, Dr.Santo Darko Grillo.
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