06.10.2023 – Set within the context of the European Year of Skills, “The new Italian Referencing Report of qualifications to the European Qualifications Framework(EQF)” national Convention organised by Anpal (Italian National Agency for Active Labour Policies) for the release of the New Italian Referencing Report of qualifications to the EQF will be held at Inapp’s headquarters on Wednesday 11 October.
This event aims at presenting the recent innovations in the standards of transparency and comparability of qualifications that led to updating the Report, starting from the establishment of the National Qualifications Framework in 2018, and the guidelines for the interoperability of Public Bodies in charge in 2021, within the context of the National Skills Certification System, established pursuant to legislative decree no. 13/2013.
The convention will be opened by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies. National and international authorities and stakeholders (such as the Ministry of Education and Merit, the Ministry of University and Research, Regions and autonomous Provinces representatives) who participated in the new referencing of qualification systems to the European Qualifications Framework are expected to attend the convention. The European Commission and Cedefop will also be attending.
Inapp’s President, Prof. Sebastiano Fadda, will deliver his address, and Dr. Rita Porcelli will present a report.
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