Call for papers “Smart working, work-life balance, demographic changes across territories”

04.05.2023 – The Observatory on the impact of smart working on the labour market and rural areas established by Inapp and the Arla Centre (Research Center for Rural Areas and the Apennines) published a call for papers named ‘’smart working, work-life balance, demographic changes across territories” under the agreement between the University of Molise and Inapp, under the PTA 2022-2024 project “Smart working. Research pathways for regulation, assessment and analysis.”

The call for papers – aimed at the scientific community – seeks to gather studies that analyse changes in the relationship between work and workers’ preferred location in light of the spread of agile forms of work. The objective is to measure the impact of smart working on work-life balance and as a tool for demographic and territorial changes. Furthermore, the papers would seek to assess ecological changes in the economy with a specific focus on depopulated territories (the south, rural areas, marginal territories, mountainous areas).

Abstracts must not be longer than 3,000 characters, including spaces, and submitted by 15 June 2023, in pdf format (file name: First_Surname_SWAI2023), to the email address [email protected].

Acceptance of submissions will be communicated via e-mail by 15 July 2023.

No later than 15 September, accepted applicants will be invited to send their contribution (maximum 20,000 characters including spaces) and to present it at the Conference “Smart working, reorganisation of life and work and demographic rebalancing of territories – SWAI,” to be held on 19 and 20 October 2023 at the University of Molise – ArIA Center.

Subject to the approval of the Observatory’s scientific committee, of which Inapp researchers Filippo Tantillo and Rosita Zucaro are members, a selection of essays will be the subject of publication in a scientific series.


See the Call for papers