INAPP Report 2022

Rapporto INAPP 2022. Lavoro e formazione: l’Italia di fronte alle sfide del futuro 

In the wake of the health emergency, which has disrupted Italy’s economic and social systems, the systemic shortfalls of a labour market plagued by high unemployment have resurfaced. Despite the positive changes brought by the surge in new technologies and new organisational arrangements, low wages and atypical employment have also become more prominent. Professional training for different types of occupation may help, but there is a general gap in participation and an overarching misalignment between existing skills and the needs of the job market. In this context, societal groups remain more exposed to the growing risk of hardship and poverty, while inequality increases and welfare systems are in need of reform. This is compounded by an exceptionally unfavourable economic situation that further exacerbates the chronic societal challenges that require structural interventions. 

VOLUME INTEGRALE con la Prefazione del Ministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali, Marina Elvira Calderone

VOLUME INTEGRALE download (pdf)

CAPITOLO 1 | Un mercato del lavoro in transizione

CAPITOLO 2 | Politiche del lavoro attive e passive. Un mix da riformulare

CAPITOLO 3 | Competenze e professioni per il lavoro che cambia

CAPITOLO 4 | La formazione tra diversificazione dei percorsi e bassa partecipazione

CAPITOLO 5 | Trasformazioni del mercato del lavoro e rischi per la protezione sociale

CAPITOLO 6 | Dinamiche e problematiche emergenti nella popolazione immigrata

Relazione del Presidente dell’Inapp, Sebastiano Fadda

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