Inapp Report 2023. Work, training, welfare. A rough path to growth
Uncertainties and pitfalls of an economic, political and warlike nature mark the history of the last year worldwide. The path to growth appears narrow and winding, not only in our country. New measures have been put in place, but it is still too early to grasp their effects. In the meantime, productivity and inflation increasingly mark the perimeter of a labour market in which old gaps (wage, employment, social, training, gender, skills) risk becoming rifts, while areas of unease overlap. Employment remains a pressing concern for many. For others, however, other aspects take on significance: times, places, quality of work. And new terms are becoming more and more commonly used: co-working, age management, resignation, care. The European Year of Skills 2023 has explicitly indicated one of the resources on which to focus. Otherwise, in its dramatic passing, it has brought people’s lives back to the forefront. They must be at the centre of future education, training, work, welfare policies.
CAPITOLO 1 | Il mercato del lavoro in Italia: evidenze per ripensare le politiche del lavoro
CAPITOLO 2 | Politiche per il lavoro: evidenze, criticità, prospettive
CAPITOLO 3 | Le competenze per lo sviluppo personale e professionale: opportunità e sfide per i sistemi di formazione
CAPITOLO 4 | Welfare inclusivo per le persone disabili e non autosufficienti
Relazione del Presidente dell’Inapp, Sebastiano Fadda
Rivedi la presentazione sulla WebTv della Camera dei Deputati
Rapporto INAPP 2023: sintesi grafica

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