The Journal publishes articles on topics relating to monitoring, analysis, and evaluation of labor market policies, education, training, social policies and in general all economic policies that impact the labor market.
- Sinappsi only publishes papers which are first time in print. Therefore, no papers or even excerpts from papers will be accepted which have been previously published in Italian or foreign journals, nor can papers be submitted concurrently to other journals for publication.
- Submissions may be written in Italian or in English.
- Please send submissions in word format to the following email address: [email protected] .
- Along with the paper, authors must submit publication documentation including a plagiarism disclaimer certifying that the content is original and assuming full responsibility in this regard, in addition to relative attachments (see below).
- Neither Sinappsi nor Inapp are responsible for opinions expressed by authors.
- NO fees or charges are required for manuscript processing and/or publishing articles in the journal.
After ascertaining that requirements for publication have been met (with respect to editorial standards), the Editorial Board will conduct a preliminary examination of every proposal. If the text is deemed consistent with the objectives and the quality standards of the Journal, it will be sent anonymously to two referees (for double blind peer review, i.e. the reviewers do not know the identity of the authors and viceversa).
To preserve anonymity, papers sent to reviewers must not contain information revealing the identity of the authors, who in turn are expected to keep self-citations or any other reference that could lead to their identification by reviewers, to a minimum.
After the review process by referees is complete, the paper may be: accepted; accepted conditional to minor revisions; accepted conditional to substantial revisions; subject to further review following revisions and with no obligation of subsequent publication; or rejected. When acceptance is conditional to revisions, the authors must revise the text, highlighting the modifications that they have made.
The authors will be given the first draft for correction, and will be invited to return it by the relative deadline. On the first draft, only marginal modifications will be allowed. The second draft will be corrected by editorial staff.
Text size and formatting
Page format: A4
- From 30,000 to 50,000 total characters (including spaces) per article, counting tables and figures (larger texts require the approval of the Editorial Board, with an explanation as to why standards could not be respected).
- Title: max 50 characters; subtitle: max 70 characters, but if there is a subtitle, the title can be no more than 30 characters. Numbered sections (no subsections); the Editor can suggest to the authors modifications for the title.
- 1,500 characters for every table or figure (figures/tables that take up an entire page must fit into the graphic interface).
- No more than 10 tables + figures (do not duplicate the information provided in the tables with graphs or descriptions in the text of the article).
- Always number all tables and figures (for example, Table 1, Table 2, etc.; Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.) and include the title, source, and year. Colors may be used.
- Explanatory notes should be put in footnotes.
- Place in-text citations in parentheses, indicating the surname of the author followed by the date of the original publication; where relevant note the page(s) of the excerpt reproduced in the text (author’s surname, date and page number). Each citation must correspond to the complete information on the source in the bibliography at the end of the text (see bibliographical standards).
- Do the same for citations in footnotes, providing reference information in the final bibliography.
Bibliography rules (Sinappsi_Bibliographic Standards : Download pdf)
- Include one bibliography at the end of the paper.
- List only works cited in the text and notes; use updated information.
- List works in alphabetical order by surname of the author or editor, or lead author or editor.
- If there are several titles by the same author/authors, list the works in chronological order of publication starting with the most recent (for works by the same author published in the same year, use a, b, c).
- For works by multiple authors, list all names.
Attachments (please compile the submission form )
In addition to the article, please include:
- A brief biographical note (approximately 600 characters including spaces), following this model: “Researcher (or Instructor) at the Institute /University (name), add other noteworthy positions held. Recent publications include: (list two at most). Email address”
- Abstract in Italian and in English no more than 600 characters each, spaces included
- Three key words in Italian and the corresponding keywords in English
- Files in excel format for figures and graphs, to be inserted in the text as well. One figure/table per excel sheet, numbered as in the text.
Send the article and the submission form to [email protected].