Scientific Committee

Inapp’s Scientific Committee consists of five members, two of whom are elected by the Institute’s researchers and technologists, in observance of the principle of gender equality. The other members are selected, on a proposal from the President, among university professors, researchers, technologists, experts (including foreign experts), each with acclaimed scientific qualification and competence in the fields of research within the scope of the Institute.

The members of the Scientific Committee shall hold office for a four-year term, and may be reappointed only once. The current Scientific Committee, appointed by Decree of the Minister of Labour and Social Policies of 24 June 2021, No. 140, consists of the following members:

President:  Prof. Sebastiano Fadda

Members: Mr. Giovanni Dosi, Mr. Paolo Piacentini, Ms. Lucia Valente, Mr. Franco Deriu, Ms. Tiziana Canal.

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