Labour and Professions Unit

The Labour and Professions Unit is responsible for analyzing the evolution of professions contents and their related skills, also in the light of changes in technological and organisational advances. The Unit carries out statistical surveys, crafts information systems, and contributes to update national and international profession rankings. The unit is also in charge of developing and maintaining the Atlas of Labour and Qualifications, and is responsible for tasks related to the analysis and assessment of skill validation services and systems. On top of that, the unit is in charge of issuing forecasts on job requirements in the light of evolving economic and employment trends, also through scenario analyses to be carried out on an international scale.

Person-in-Charge: Paolo Severati

Secretariat: Giuliana Federici 06/85447464
[email protected]

The Labour and Professions Unit consists of three research Groups:

1) Professioni – Responsabile Maria Grazia Mereu ([email protected]) – This group carries out analyses and monitoring tasks as regards professional and training needs. In principle, studies cover professions characteristics, and forecasts are issued on professional needs in the light of evolving economic and employment trends, also through scenario analyses. All analyses results are uploaded onto the Sistema Informativo delle Professioni website.

2) Atlas of Labour and skill analysis – Person-In-Charge Rita Porcelli ([email protected]) – This group is responsible for tasks aimed at developing, updating and maintaining the Atlas of Labour and Qualifications, for the purpose of operating the National Register of vocational education and training qualifications, as well as tasks related to monitoring, analysis and assessment of services and systems intended for skill validation and certification. The group also carries out qualitative and quantitative research and analyses in the field of company organization and production processes, also in order to pinpoint the evolution of skills currently required to increase workers’ productivity and employability.

3) Prospective and comparative analysis of job requirements – Person-In-Charge Achille Pierre Paliotta  ([email protected]) – This group carries out research work and analysis on globally-accredited job requirements forecasting methodologies, and also takes charge of integrating databases and information systems with regard to projects overall implemented by the Labour and Professions Unit. On its international scale, the group is finalized at strengthening and developing relations with European and international institutions (including the European Commission, OECD, CEDEFOP, EUROFOUND) with an interest in researching professions and job requirements forecasts.

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