Social Inclusion Unit

The structure is dedicated to the analysis of the various forms of poverty and measures to combat it, as well as to the study of disabilities and the policies and support actions to ensure the social and labour inclusion of persons with disabilities. The various forms of inequality are also studied with particular reference to policies to reduce them with a view to increasing social inclusion and cohesion. In this framework, the analysis of the functioning mechanisms, operating methods and results of social services, of territorial social planning in general and of the social inclusion aspects of the civil service is particularly important. Finally, research paths aimed at developing and testing actions to improve employability for the categories most at risk of exclusion are to be studied.

Person-in-charge: Franco Deriu

Secretariat: Federica Biondi 06/85447646 | Stefano Pignatone 06/85447555

[email protected]

The Social Inclusion Structure consists of three research groups: 

1) The integrated territorial welfare offer – Head: Viviana Ruggeri 

([email protected]) – The Group’s activity is aimed at analysing the territorial welfare system with a view to investigating the modernisation processes of social benefits also in a perspective of integration with the offer of labour, health and educational services. The various areas of research that will be studied will take into account the renewed attention to the supply systems of territorial welfare services and the necessary streamlining of the vertical and horizontal governance of social policies, starting with investments in the social territorial ambits. Specific in-depth studies will focus on the role and importance of strengthening the system of services on the territory, on their ability to operate according to an integrated approach between contiguous systems, on the characteristics of those employed in social services, the quality of their work and the development potential of the sector as a pool of employment. 

2) Targets at risk of social exclusion – Head: Anna Ancora 

([email protected]) – The group’s research activities are focused on the demand – implicit and explicit – of the needs expressed by categories of subjects exposed to the risk of social exclusion and marginalisation. The aim is to accumulate and deepen knowledge on the phenomenon of social marginality, in its multiple nuances and declinations, observing it through the subjects who are its expression: fragile categories of the population who, for various reasons, are exposed to the risk of isolation, social and cultural deprivation. By analysing the deep connotations of the phenomenon, the aim is to arrive at a clearer vision of what are the social and cultural instances, but also the factors that are most likely to facilitate slippage into pockets of social malaise in order to try to identify strategies to contain and combat the phenomenon.

3) Disability and Non-self-sufficiency – Head: Franco Deriu (ad interim)

 ([email protected]) – The activities of the Research Group focus on overseeing the main issues related to disability and non-self-sufficiency policies, with the perspective of analysis reflecting the integration needs of the social, health, labour and education systems, according to the most recent approaches based on multidimensionality and the centrality of the person. The Group carries out monitoring, analysis and evaluation of the policies and measures adopted to support full social and labour inclusion of people with disabilities and non-self-sufficiency assistance. Specific in-depth studies are devoted to the implementation of the main public policies concerning employment and inclusive welfare reforms in support of the autonomy of persons with disabilities or non-self-sufficiency, also through the analysis of the main dedicated public expenditure measures and of the interventions to strengthen the systems of proximity services.

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