ICT skills for the PIAAC assessment

According to the PIAAC methodology, tasks are administered in the CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) mode. Respondents with poor ICT skills can carry out the interview in the paper-and-pencil mode. In order to select the computer-based or paper-and-pencil mode, a pre-trial ITC test was administered to those who reported to have some ITC experience.

The following data show ICT skill levels aimed at the administration of PIAAC tasks, which provide useful information on computers distribution and familiarity in the populations involved in the survey.25% of the Italian sample reported they have never used a PC, while 75% reported some computer experience.
Among those with some computer experience 2.5% failed to perform the computer-based tasks. 15%, chose to carry out the tasks in the paper-and-pencil mode. Only 58% of respondents took the assessment in the computer mode, vs 77% of the OECD mean percentage.

Overview and data processing by Filomena Bellusci