
The study is funded by Cedefop and realized by a Consortium composed by three partners:

  • IRS – Istituto per la Ricerca Sociale (Lead Partner) (, which is a wholly independent, non-profit cooperative currently counting 60 members. Since its foundation forty five years ago, IRS has been carrying out wide research activities and has become a leading research institute both at Italian and European level, thanks to a highly qualified internal research structure of more than 40 researchers, and partnerships with other leading European research centres, prestigious universities and qualified experts.
  • The Tavistock Institut gGmbH (, which is a not-for-profit organization, founded and owned by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR), UK. The latter was established as a not for profit organization with charitable purpose in 1947. The Institute is engaged with evaluation and action research, organizational development and change consultancy, executive coaching and professional development, all in service of supporting sustainable change and ongoing learning.
  • INAPP, the National Institute for Public Policies Analysis (see below).

For Inapp the coordinator is  Sandra D’Agostino

The working group consists of:

Manuela Bonacci
Pietro Checcucci
Franca Fiacco
Sergio Scicchitano
Silvia Vaccaro