VALUE CHAIN – Competitiveness

Claudio Vitali

[email protected]
+3906 85447609

The project in a nutshell

VAL.U.E. C.H.A.IN. Competitiveness foresees a training action focused on the development of basic skills, with a specific but not exclusive attention to the digital ones.  Training interventions will be delivered with a modular and flexible approach, customizing the offer according to the specific upskilling / reskilling needs of each beneficiary. The beneficiaries of the project are low-skilled workers with a low level of basic digital skills.

During the first phase of the project will be provided skills assessment tools, subsequently will be selected the enterprises and workers beneficiaries (mainly: over 50, manufacturing and services sector, low skilled and low qualified with a lack of basic digital skills). The experimental phase of the project consists in training provision in order to improve basic digital skills.

VAL.U.E. C.H.A.IN. competitiveness is a project promoted by a consortium composed of Inapp, ANPAL, five Regions (Lombardy, Lazio, Tuscany, Sardinia and Autonomous Province of Trento-Agenzia del Lavoro), five Training Providers and the CE.RE.Q. (FR). The Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, OBR Lombardia Fondimpresa, FOR.TE. and Assolombarda participate as associated organisations. Therefore, the partnership of this project broadens the Consortium which has already been committed to the realization of the E.QU.A.L. Project, funded through the EaSI Call VS / 2018/0016.

At the end of upskilling pathways, the acknowledgement of the skills acquired by beneficiaries will be formalised through documents attesting competences, released in accordance with the national and regional legislation on recognition of qualifications. As regards digital skills, the DIGIComp 2.1 framework will be taken as a reference.

VAL.U.E. C.H.A.IN. Competitiveness project foresees:

  • the upskilling and reskilling of workers – in particular those over 50 years of age but more generally of adult workers with a weak digital skill/qualification level – who are facing digital transformation paths in their organizational contexts;
  • the design and delivery of personalized training paths aimed at increasing their knowledge and the acquisition of basic and transversal digital skills;
  • the delivery of training pathways built upon the results of skills assessment processes and on the identification of individual objectives: skills assessment procedures and tools are themselves innovative outputs of the project;
  • the development of processes and devices of validation and recognition of the acquired skills, in close cooperation with the Regions and Social Partners and in full compliance with the current legislation: this allows to assign a value of use and exchange to the certifications and to match the internal and external labour market needs. In addition, both the assessment processes and the content of the training supply will be based on DG Comp 2.1 standards to ensure established and shared references in the validation and recognition of skills;
  • full consideration of the outcome of the institutional and scientific debate on the subject in the EU, through the continuous exchange and synergy with existing networks, such as those of the National Co-ordinators of the European Adult Learning Agenda, the Experts who are part of the WG ET2020 A.L., the other projects funded by the current Call and the two previous ones, the Ambassadors of the EPALE Platform and major international organizations such as EAEA and EBSN;
  • the raising of greater awareness and knowledge about the long-term benefits for the system of companies and their main stakeholders (representative associations, trade unions, inter-professional funds, public administrations) when investing on upskilling and reskilling adult workers and in particular those aged over 50.




Newsletter 1/2020
