
Profile and composition of the team implementing the work plan

As in the previous project (2015-2017), the composition of the INAPP team is defined to guarantee the presence of multiple skills and experiences that ensure the achievement of the several objectives qualifying the project. It includes knowledge and skills related to policies and strategies for the Adult Learning at local and national level; research and analysis skills in the field of Adult Learning. The staff expertise guarantees a low level of services in outsourcing (on field surveys trough CAWI and or CAPI methodologies, PLA organisation, translations and printing of info material).

Short profiles of staff members:

C. Vitali, Project manager – Claudio has been involved from the 2012 in the implementation of all projects on Adult Learning Agenda as a researcher and from january 2017 as a project manager. He is actually the National Coordinator and has been named by the Ministry of Labour as a member of TWG EU 2020 focus on AL. Claudio will be responsible for all management and monitoring/evaluation activities and directly responsible for the survey  foreseen in the WP 6.

S. Balduini, Researcher – Sveva is the past NA Erasmus+ (VET sector) National Agency Director. She has an important expertise on the implementation of the main EU policies and  tools in VET field (EQUAVET, ECVET, EQF, Europass) and is fluent in french and english. She is actually the responsible of the INAPP Planning and Development Department.

G. Dal Miglio, Researcher – Guido has already worked with the Team in the previous project, being in charge to coordinate surveys on potential synergies between different sources of funding to sustain adult learning policies. During the actual project (2015-2017) is engaged in carrying out research activities on the role of entreprise in adult learning provision: giving that this activity will be exploited during the new  project, Guido will be the researcher in charge to coordinate this new release (WP4).

S. Volpi, Researcher – Stefano is a Senior Researcher, specialized in Public Policies evaluation. He was the past Responsible for the ISFOL (actually INAPP) Department in charge of the evaluation of impact of ESF implementation in Italy.

M. Cioppa, Technician – Marco is in the staff from 2012 and has developped an important technical expertise for communication tools design and production and use of different communication channels.

D. Badiali, Administrative – Daniela is responsible for project financial management, in particular for issues concerning the processess of services outsourcing.

S. Coscia, Administrative – Past experience in 2014-2015 and 2015-2017 projects, Simona is in charge to monitor the respect of individual engagement on project activities, checking time sheets.

G. Cappellini, Administrative – Gabriella has been involved in all past projects (from 2012) becoming particularly familiar with financial rules. She is in charge to assist the P.M. during the progress and final report drafting and to co-operate with the external Auditor during the preparation of Report of Factual Findings on the Final Financial Report.