Promoting LLL through VET – Lot 2

Roberto Angotti

[email protected]

Promoting lifelong learning of adults through CVET systems and upskilling pathways – Lot 2: Thematic country reviews (TCRs) on upskilling pathways for low skilled adults

The main objectives of this project on upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults are as follows.

  1. To carry out in Italy and France thematic reviews of upskilling pathways to identify their specific strengths and challenges and present a set of policy recommendations for ensuring systematic, coordinated and coherent approaches to lifelong skill development, upskilling and reskilling of low-skilled adults and to support the process of reforms in both countries.
  2. At the European level, to increase the evidence base which can support policy- and decision-makers in European countries at different levels in designing and implementing systematic, coordinated and coherent approaches to lifelong upskilling (and reskilling) pathways for low-skilled adults; and also to support comparison across countries.

In close collaboration with Cedefop and national stakeholders, the study will gradually expand the knowledge on coherent and coordinated approaches to upskilling pathways for low-skilled adults in Europe and will enrich it with detailed insights into factors which either facilitate or slow down the implementation of such initiatives in different national contexts. The evidence produced as part of the TCRs will be developed capitalising on the contribution of all players – both at the political and practice level – which will thus provide turn-key inputs for decision-makers in other European countries committed to designing and implementing policies and measures for developing and/or improving systematic lifelong upskilling (and reskilling) pathways.

